Dick Syers was a Londoner, a clock and watchmaker by trade who much preferred farm work.
He is pictured here leading “Mickey”, a cross breed Shire/Clydesdale, the last working horse on Eydon Hall Estate farm. Riding the horse are Godfrey, Anne and Julie, aged 6, 9 and 8, Dick and Sheila Syers’ children. They lived in the North Lodge from 1951 for two years then moved to “Ward’s Cottage” at 5 High Street. It was there that Dick built his boat “Eydon Maide” (KL183) the story of which is told in one of our publications.
After working on the farm Dick worked for Thomas Kench the builders in Eydon, then Export Packing Services at Chipping Warden. Other people working on the farm at the time were: Jack Hawes the farm manager, Arthur Tomalin, Harry Ward who looked after the horses, John Steel and the cowman George Gratton and ? Hancock, the under cowman.
Photographer unknown
Image lent by Mr David Kench
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SKU: DK129
Eydon Village Photo Archive
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